Thursday 20 November 2014

The East Wind Is An Ill Wind!

What boring weather - where's the rain? We're spoilt by continued dry Wednesday evenings. Ok, last night was cooler and there was a nagging easterly wind, but conditions for late November were again very good. Will America send us freezing snow by next week?

Dave B Last Rode With us Over Ten Years Ago!
More than 30 other riders clearly thought it was a good night for a ride and we officially sent out three groups. The super-fasts were again shepherded through the traffic-strewn streets of Bexhill by the King of Speed and the Awesome Powerman - the Batman & Robin of the chain gang - Stuart and Barney. In their midst and making her chain gang debut was Ruth, who by all accounts rode strongly.

Various riders were sporting the latest in fashionable and functional winter night-riding gear. Peter Buss wore gloves that made his hands look like a mutant's, with two fingers to each instead of four. Stuart Hodd looked very dapper in the latest insulated fluorescent top and shoes. Plenty of us wore gillets, overshoes, longs and gloves. I didn't see anyone in just shorts apart from Tom Norris, but then he's from up north. Tom, sort your socks out!

I rode the outward chain with the fast group. It was not what I hoped for: too many solo rides, not enough calling and then other riders shooting off the front. The wind at our backs made the problem worse, raising the pace too high and too quickly. I got shouty and sweary in an effort to bring some shape to the ride, but then thought 'what am I doing, this is supposed to be fun!' So, sorry about the language chaps, I hope you'll forgive me.

A more disciplined group formed after the level crossing and some better group riding was on display for most of the way to the roundabout. And this week I didn't get dropped up Spooky Hill, landing a Strava PR in the process! I can thank the wind for that one...

I decided to push myself with the super-fasts on way back, but into the wind I got dropped on Spooky Hill; this time I'm not so thankful... I rode down the 'Spooky Slope', past the Star and over both bridges before seeing another rider. He glided past in silence, the only noise his tyres on tarmac, passing without a word like a dark-blue ghost. Was that you Ivan? The legs kept spinning at an impressive rate and the small red rear light grew fainter as he rolled onward.

I turned the corner at the level-crossing and struggled against the wind along Herbrand. It was straight into my face, pressing through my two jerseys and chilling the sweat on my chest. I pressed myself lower, hands on the drops, grimacing into that damn wind, spinning faster whenever the wind dropped a little, spinning slower when that same wind blew harder. Where was the next group? I wanted some shelter and a chance to recover. Hurry up!
Eastbourne Rovers Ruth And Neil Bravely Joined Chain One!

The following group caught me just past the 30mph sign on Herbrand - the usual suspects of Simon, John V and Tom 'flat-back' Norris, plus another seven or so riders. A welcome sight! From there to the lights I enjoyed a good group ride, with good comms and discipline into that blasted wind. Yes, that's the better way, for me at any rate. Having ridden solo against the wind and then in a group, I know which is the faster and more enjoyable!

The group collected at the lights and we stayed chatting longer than usual. I needed the number of a heating engineer (wife's orders, thanks JV) and others were generally chatting about the ride, what ride they'll do on the weekend, or discussing the finer points of group riding. A shame we don't have a clubhouse or a cafe to meet at. Kerry's on the front does both coffee and alcohol, might be worth a look?

I enjoyed an après chain gang ride with Peter B, Tom N, Stuart B & Duncan. The latter two were gone by Cooden station and Peter, Tom and I had a pleasant ride back across marshes to Normans Bay. The wind was again at our backs and the pedalling was blissfully easy, just a minimal effort needed to maintain a good pace along the lane.

But the return was a grind: back across the marsh, past the Star, along Herbrand and Cooden Drive into a solid easterly wind. I got cross with it, pedalled harder. Bastard! My legs were burning and I was looking forward to turning at the lights and being blown home to food and warmth. That was enough for one night but I'm already looking forward to next week.

Neil Smith

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