Saturday 17 January 2015

16/1 Kie's Eight Week Penance

With ice on some of the car windscreens but puddles still liquid it must have been just one or two degrees above zero for the start of the Friday night ride. I felt unusually cold but then realised I had forgotten to put my vest on. Amazing what a difference thin piece of synthetic material makes, as without it I was to feel cold for the whole ride . We only had an average turnout of six riders but three of these were notable as they were returning from absence. Duncan was there on his new Wilier having had some time away on holiday, Alex was back riding after injuring his shoulder a few weeks ago in the icy weather and then there was Kie! Kie had grown a beard since the last time I saw him so for a moment I thought he was a new rider. Turns out that he hasn't touched his bike for eight weeks due to work pressures, Kie was soon to pay a high price for his lack of training!
Duncan Shows Off His Lovely New Wilier!

Without any wind, it was cold but easy riding into the Rye before the start of the Broad Oak drag. As usual everyone went at their own pace and it wasn't long before I was at the back of the pack , but this time I had kie for company. For a while we worked together as a pair but once I got into my normal rhythm I soon left him behind and before long I was with the others at broad Oak. Most improved rider award must go to Nigel F as he got there long before me whereas last time we rode together it was me that waited for him.

While waiting for Kie we had time to discuss our route options. JV had warned us earlier in the day that the river Brede had flooded the valley road leaving it twelve inches deep in water. Would we be able to get through or should we go back via Sedlescombe? Nobody really wanted to go down unfamiliar roads in the dark and cold , while Malc predicted that due to the tides there was a good chance that the water would have retreated. We decided to ride down and have a look,

The Bearded Kie Would Not Be Smiling Later!
It turned out , Malc was right, the flood waters were gone so we rode down and up the valley with no problems at all. We had discussed  missing out  Stonestile and sticking to the main road home but the lack of flood water convinced us to stick to the normal Stonestile route instead.

Kie was now really suffering, his out of condition leg muscles had had enough. He urged us to go on without him but his main light had died, leaving him with just a small emergency back up front light that was more suitable to riding to the local store than cold dark night riding in the middle of nowhere. We convinced him to stay with us and pressed on towards Westfield.

On reaching the junction of the Westfield main road I realised there was no sign of Kie. I shouted out a message to Nigel F that I would go back for Kie. It was clear that he was now on the point of stopping altogether, riding slower than Bradley Wiggins down a wet descent, and had decided to ring his missus for a lift. I didn't think this was such a good idea as he could be waiting in the cold dark and damp for some time whereas if he just kept going he would be onto the ridge in just three miles (I didn't think it was a good idea to mention there was the little bump of stonestile in the way)

Having myself and Nigel for company seemed to give Kie a psychological boost and all went well until we reached the slopes of Stonestile. Poor Kie had no choice but had to do 'the walk of shame' up this ascent. I don't think Kie will take such a long break from training ever again, LOL!

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