Saturday 21 September 2013

HSCC Fri Night Ride 20/9- Gravel Travels

Susan Arrives For Her First HSCC Friday Night Ride
Very different conditions to last week for a good turn out of eight riders including Barney's other half Susan. We were all dismayed to see warning signs at the top of Battery Hill informing us that there was loose gravel. The council had been at it again, scattering gravel all over the road as a cheap fix rather than repair the road properly. As we descended Battery Hill (more gingerly than normal) we were relieved to find that unlike the Rye-Broadoak (B2089) road they had been relatively sparing with the gravel and it wasn't too bad. Unlike last week we went at a more steady pace along the coast and through the harbour reserve before arriving at Rye. For once I had some company up the long drag up the B2089, Malcolm's legs were done in and he was content to sit behind me in my slip stream. Having Malcolm there made me push harder than normal but any chance of a PB on this Starva stretch were thwarted when we hit the gravelled section about half way up. Despite slowing us down it didn't seem quite so bad as last week, the cars must be slowly spreading out the gravel? There were no such hindrances on the super smooth tarmac decent from Broad Oak and I gained a PB without too much trouble. Malcolm's legs were so tired he decided to keep going on the main road to Westfield rather than take the cut through but met up with us again at the start of the Stonestile ascent. Susan and Barney were going particularly well and both managed to get their second fastest Strava times for Stonestile. Chris P says we must not call this ride a chaingang any more so hence forth it shall be known as the 'HSCC Friday Night Ride'.
Susan Gets A Great Time On Stonestile

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