Saturday 28 September 2013

Semi-Club trip to Afan Forest

Afan Forest in Wales is a mecca for mountain biking.It has two 44k trails with a third supposed to be opening this year but not by the time we were there. The trails can be split up so you can do whatever you want.
We go for the immense amount of single track riding . There are many steep rocky descents.
The best routes are whites level and W2 but that is my opinion.Also the Wall. Skyline is what it says a high level route with spectacular views but mainly fire break so not very interesting for the group of 30 somethings I usually go with as they prefer the single track. I do to but cannot keep up, airtime is not for me. They patiently wait for me at the end of each trail section wondering if I have fallen off again.
Anyway we go down twice a year and why I say semi club trip is that 2 of our usual 30 somthings pulled out a couple of weeks before. On our earlier trip this year one of the 30 somethings had made a video on a go-pro, a brilliant helmet cam, and I sent it to Steve C , he showed it to Duncan who asked to join us for this latest trip. Duncan told Jozef and he also signed up so we were back up to 6.
We travel down on friday so we can get in a 3-4 hour ride , then back to the cottage we stay in for home cooked  bangers and mash followed by several inevitables. Saturday is the big day. It always rains on saturdays in Wales but do not let that put you off . For some reason it does not seem to matter much because the rock is not slippy and although it would be better dry it rarely is. This is a 6 hour day with a well timed stop at a mountain hot dog and burger bar.
To clip in or not to clip in that is the question. My usual group never clip in , they are former BMX riders and seem to be able to keep their feet on the pedals even in mid air . We roadies like to know that when we  are in the air intended or not we will not come off the pedals . Problem is it hurts more if you come off clipped in.
I have never clipped in before in Wales but Duncan did not even consider it. He was clipping in.
I did for friday as it was dry but bottled out on saturday in the rain but Duncan clipped in and said all in all much happier so there it is , your choice.
We were soaked and muddy by the time we got back . We passed a pub but the consensus was not to go in ( Duncan and I have still not got over this).
Our excellent thirty something cook excelled himself with a pasta and tuna  bake  followed by inevitables and settled down for the cycling on the telly. Our leader had brought a bottle of Jack D which was not scheduled for the return trip.
We normally try to do a 2 hour ride on the sunday but our route masters girlfriend had her birthday that day and quite rightly he decided to take a early trip back and it was raining again.
Its a four and a half hour drive but for mountain bikers looking for a challenge this is a good destination
Steve has kindly agreed to attach the video clip so you can see some fun
Derek M

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