Sunday 21 February 2016

20/2 Pre Bacon Butty Virgins

Feeling guilty after a very low mileage week, I realised the only way I could hit my 100 mile a week target would be to join others for the Pre BBR from Norman's bay at 7:45.

I calculated that I would have to set off from Hastings at 6;45 so the bedside alarm was set for 6;00. this should have given me plenty of time but after the usual faff rituals, I hit the road at 6;50. Reaching the sea front I was confronted with a reasonably strong headwind which slowed my progress forcing me to push on more strongly than I would have liked. Instead of riding my beloved CAAD 8 I was on my awkwardly sized Giant defy. After two years of changing the position of just about every part that moves I had finally taken the step of changing the handlebars to compact ones, would this finally produce the required reach?

My timing was spot on as I arrived at 7:40 but was surprised to be the only one there. This gave me time to loosen the seat post bolts to slide the set back a little to make up for the shorter reach on the handlebars. 

Very soon Kim, Adam  and the recently invested Baron Buss (of the 'People's Republic Of Normans Bay') appeared. We were then joined by Terry and Ed who like me were  pre BBR virgins. Unusually ,the always Punctual Neil was running late but the Baron instructed us to wait (no doubt he will give his squire a good flogging later!)

As a Pre BBR virgin I felt no guilt staying near the back of the bunch, allowing Baron Buss and Neil to do most of the work into the headwind with only the out of form Adam (recent 5 week holiday in New Zealand) prepared to have a go at the front.

I always find the long drag along the seafront to the foot of Beachy much harder than the climb itself so it was a relief to reach the foot hills where Kate, Neil and Adam showed their superior climbing skills, breaking away from the rest of us. 

Myself, Ed, Baron Buss and Terry were a very even match on the climb with no-one able to completely drop the others. I made it to the top of the main climb first but struggled with the change of gradient encountered by the awkward left turn leading to the car park. This allowed Baron Buss and Ed to get there first.

We were greeted by the familiar figure of the Bianchi Bomber (who had ridden straight over from his home in Eastbourne)  shouting greetings to us into the very blustery wind scouring the top of the exposed summit. 

Very blustery conditions greeted us on the summit of Beachy!
No-one wanted to hang about in the cold wind for long, so after the obligatory photo we began our descent. We would now enjoy some 15 miles of tail wind back to bexhill. 

The zig zag decent of Beachy was great fun  but near the bottom I spotted the Bianchi Bomber at the side of the road. Thinking it was mechanical I pulled over to lend assistance but all that had happened was the lid of Tom's water bottle and flown off. The others were now too far ahead for me to catch up to and before long the Bomber had come past me , skilfully negotiating the traffic that was already building up along the seafront. 

The others were waiting at Pevenesy Bay but by now the lure of fresh coffee at Di Paulos was urging me on and I swept left towards the by pass roundabout only to suffer a front wheel pinch puncture caused by a small but deep pothole. I didn't want the others to miss their coffees at the cafe so waved them on but the Bianchi Bomber insisted on staying with me and seemed fascinated by my use of a C02 cyclinder to get me up and running in double quick time .

Reaching Di paulos we admired the impressive collection of bikes propped up outside . This was particularly impressive as many of the regulars were out in Majorca. 

I must say I really enjoyed by first ever pre BBR which together with the BBR gave me a satisfyingly long ride of 78 miles. I was also pleased with the replacement handlebars on the Giant Defy, I finally seem to have the correct balance of reach with only the harshness of the frame spoiling the ride (hopefully solved by switching to 28mm tyres next week)

Many thanks to Pete and Neil  for organising the Pre BBR and encourganing others to ride it. I will definitely be here again.

Steve C

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