Thursday 6 September 2012

Wednesday Chaingang no.2

Another good turnout of 21 riders, 13 Hastings CC riders and a good contingent from points East of the new meet on Bexhill Seafront. Welcome to Martyn, our newest junior and many more old and new faces. Still shorts weather so a brisk run out. We have lots of new riders so remember more experienced  ones  to make friends, teach by example, ride smoothly and hold our line, look around,  point out holes, send calls down the line of "car", "single up" "easy" and so on. Its our club, a great club and is what we make it - atmosphere was fun warm and friendly, a good night.

Some of us repaired to the Dolphin pub after for a couple of cold beers and lively conversation. I noticed a table of ladies drinking by the door had a good stare up and down at us as we arrived and left - my shorts were burning - kind of weird and bit of a new experience  to have tables turned - its usually the guy drinkers checking out the girls walking past. If I could think of a suitable joke about that,  I'd pop it in here . . . Rest and be thankful I've spared your blushes gentle reader. So I swung a leg over my old fixed bike and rode home - straining an 81 inch gear zig zagging up a cold steep Croft road, thinking -  is this the best way  to have fun in this town?


  1. Given it is Hastings and September I suspect the answer is "Yes"
