Saturday 10 October 2015

Wednesday Chain Gang - Bake Off Buns

This week's chain gang saw the first properly dark start - no dramatic sunset, just the first real feel of autumn as 26 riders assembled at the shelter, ready to make a big effort on a fast training ride. 19:27 arrived and the first group of ten rolled out, riding in two neat lines along the front, singling up in the tight spots. The rotation began in earnest on Cooden Drive, the pace increasing as we pumped our pedals towards The Cooden Hotel corner.

I found myself again at the front as we nipped down the short, steep slope to the tight right hand bend, then leading out as we crank hard left onto Herbrand. A car headed towards us as we came up behind a friend of mine from my train commute. I do not know his name, but I do know his bike - it's the one I photographed in the report from two weeks ago and passed off as Lord Buckland's. 'Toot-toot!' as the first few riders swept by our eccentric friend, and then 'toot-toot-toot!!' as the rest of the group swooped around him, heading ever faster towards the shingle and the level crossing. I've tried talking to 'Mr Toot' on the train but not got very far - 'they're all f*****s', he said. Pardon? 'F*****s!'  Ok... Obviously a long-term resident of the People's' Republic of Normans Bay.

The good pace continued all the way to the Star Inn, into the slight headwind and over the bridges, past the turn to the 'PRNB' and fast to the foot of Spooky Hill. Ugh! We hammered upwards but I had that sick feeling of pushing hard and going backwards as the rest of the group went past and off the top of the hill. I was gapped by 20 metres or so. 'Come on Neil, push!', but to no avail, I could not catch the group and off they went, leaving me again to ride solo to the roundabout.

The return leg was messier, with more riders than can ride tidily ride in one group, I think. I stayed with group as far as Cooden Hotel lump, cracking some PRs on the way back. Tom left me on the slope and I rode solo thereafter, just Ivan passing me at speed and in silence on his diesel-engined single-speeder. The chat at the lights included some discussion on over-enthusiastic manoeuvres and at what point the coast into the lights should start. Not sure that discussion was fully resolved but I'm sure there will be more circumspection next week - see you there!

Neil S

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