Thursday 2 February 2012

Stuff Cyclists Say

The Handsling: Sh*t Cyclists Say: This has been doing the rounds on Twitter and various websites. How many of these things have you said or heard others say everyday? Americans maybe more talkative than our typical Brit roadie but still plenty commonground here . . .


  1. Yes this is great and a few days ago Jay's old courier friend Will sent it to him saying "Jay this is you". I was in Evans Cycles in the West End last week and some similar conversations were taking place. Its even worse in Condors, but then I've always believed the answer to everything in the Universe boils down to finding the perfect tyre or tub i.e. where rolling resistance is virtually non existent and its impossible to go slower than 25 mph although your only pushing out
    200 watts.


  2. Thanks for emailing that comment in Tim! Yeah if we believe it enough, then its already working to some extent, powerful thing the mind. C'mon now everybody focus: M-E-L-T S-N-O-W M-E-L-T

