Thursday 24 April 2014

23/4 HSLCC Chaingang- The Hastings Express!

A change in the weather and back to more 'traditional' chain gang conditions - 17 riders set out into a south-westerly breeze that was carrying some light rain. We moaned about it; how quickly some good weather spoils us! Kie and I thought we were in for a cold soaking as we had stubbornly dressed for a dry ride, but the rain never really came to anything and it stayed quite warm.

I ended up leading out with Joe Kingsman again (no, I don't know why) but I felt crap. I think some shouts came my way, encouraging me to up the pace, but I didn't have the gas to increase speed. Too much food eaten in the afternoon? Not enough rest? Just a bit rubbish? Frustrating, whatever the cause.

The fast group did their thing, sweeping by and steaming off. The level crossing didn't hold them this week, so no cheeky overtakes were possible. A small group formed including Simon, John and eventually Kie. It was pointed out to me that I should've eased the pace slightly when taking the lead, allowing the next rider a chance to overtake, so I think I made things a bit uncomfortable for the group. I caused further distress when I got carried away on Spooky Hill, skipping past two riders and ending up three abreast. I was soon told the error of my ways! Oh dear, really not a great ride to this point. Two of the group broke away on the west slope, so the three of us rotated the lead to the roundabout without further drama or breaches of group etiquette.

The return leg was quick, with some wind assistance. I rode hard, the breeze helping me feel lighter and faster, just hanging on to the tail of the 'Hastings Express' until past the Star Inn when the speed went up a notch. I was soon riding alone, head down and trying to stay clear of a small group creeping up behind me on Herbrand Walk, and then along Cooden Drive. I didn't want to be caught but inevitably I was, so I tagged on the back, riding again with Simon, John and another.

The group gave me some respite and we made a big effort towards the end of the park, building up a good speed with more in the tank. This was spoilt by car pulling out in front of us, even though the two occupants must've seen us. Still, it's as well to expect the unexpected on the roads and whilst no harm was done, I felt it was one of those nights when nothing was going to go quite right. Simon said 'I bet you were pleased we caught you' and though I had wanted to stay ahead of them, he was right. I should've used my head earlier and waited for them. The one silver lining of the evening for me was an unexpected PR on the west-east slope of Spooky Hill, largely due to being in the group's slipstream.

It was good to see a new rider turn out, and a lady rider at that - welcome Jo. Seems Jo really enjoyed the chain gang 'buzz', so it's a shame that the last ride (until autumn) is next week. I hope we have a good turnout!

Regards, Neil

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