Sunday 5 October 2014

Pre Bacon Butty (Coffee Run) and Bacon Butty Run Sat 04/10/2014

The Saturday 08:00 Pre bacon butty (Coffee Run) and 10:00 Bacon Butty Run seemed to be settling down in to a new routine. Eight riders met up near Pevensey Bay Halt for the Coffee Run and had a hard ride out in to the wind then up Beachy Head. Pay back was a high speed return to Bexhill with the wind and a shot of good coffee in Di Paulo's by the De La Warr mini roundabout. The the coffee there is highly rated and anyway when they go over Beachy Head time is tight to get back to the Bridge Cage for 10:00.

The PreBBR Meets Up!
Meanwhile I was having a good read of the papers over a bacon butty and coffee in The Bridge Cafe, oblivious to what was going on elsewhere. As 10:00 approached I thought the opportunity for sloping off home and writing up about an epic solo Bacon Butty Run was on the cards. But the opportunity for a flowery write up of long and hilly virtual ride was dashed when Malcolm C appeared, having popped home to pick up a water bottle and tell me that the Pre bacon Butty (Coffe Run) group were waiting for the 10:00 crew to appear in Bexhill. As we set off Steve Denny appeared and Clive joined us on Bulverhythe Road. After their shot of Di Paulo caffeine the bulk of the 08:00 crew, a couple had set off to get back to the family early, were waiting for us at the top of Galley Hill at 10:15.

We then did the usual summer (good weather) route and had a sociable bacon butty stop at Chilley Farm before the usual run back across Norman's Bay. No one was up for the occassional triple butty extension this week to get home via e.g. Heathfield.

So if you turn up for a 10:00 depart and no one is there, set out as usual and meet up with the 08:00 crew at the top of Galley Hill, or if they have had a hard morning drag them out of Di Paulo's!

There are about six established 08:00 Pre Bacon Butty (Coffee Run) regulars and several others who often join them. They usually contact each other to check who will be there, which is someone virtually every week. If you want to get in touch please contact Stewart Buckland as the main point of contact, with Peter Buss, Matt Schubert (great to see him back riding again after his broken collar bone) and Malcolm Carr being the hard core regulars.

I cannot make 10:00 every week so any new riders and any under 18s need to contact me (Chris Parker) so we can try and make sure someone is at The Bridge Cage to greet you, and a responsible senior is there for any under 18s.

Chris Parker
Pre BBR Group On Beachy Head!

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