Sunday 3 January 2016

A Bacon Butty to remember or maybe forget.

Having read Neils Wednesday report I thought mad fools going out in that but then when I saw Steve intended to do the bacon butty regardless of the weather and after feeling guilty I had not cycled since the Monday social ride I decided to go.

There was a strong southerly wind when I left and of course heavy rain was forecast. A good turnout of 10 riders gathered at Di Paolo's including a rare appearance these days of Chris P who plotted our course.

By Cooden Patrick had his first of two punctures of the day, That's three for him this week and Neil will be working on a nickname if one has not already been allocated.

Not sure when the rain started but when it did it was heavy. The two nasty downhill sections of the lanes to Chilley farm are in terrible condition now. Potholes everywhere and as you will have noted from Duncan H report they were full of water . Direction changes are dangerous because of the gravel and mud and moss on these lanes.

This is the deep hidden pot hole that had Duncan H off
Patrick's second puncture was just before the turn off to the lanes to Chilley farm . He nicely waved us on so he could deal with that and not hold us up but shortly after that Duncan H had his fall.

A battle then followed into the wind and rain on the long open stretch to Chilley farm lead out by Duncan F and we all followed on behind

Chris had outed Chilley farm in favour of the cafe at Pevensey so this adds a few miles most of which were into a head wind. Duncan H fell a littte behind I think with the effects of his fall and we were all glad of the cafe stop and even Kim stopped having intended to go straight past . She was getting in some miles with us and I later heard she was one of two who had done the pre BBR earlier.

So I ordered my bacon and egg butty . The cafe was packed as usual as its good value

Young Theo had cycled strongly always just behind the leader at any point but we were a little worried  as he was in summer gear but he shrugged  off the offer of a jacket from Patrick and was anxious to get going again to generate some heat as he had to cycle to Pett , so Duncan F led us off . Steve and Chris P  fell back and chatted about all things club whilst the rest of us just wanted to get out of the wind and rain,

Why is it that here a southerly wind always seems to be against you?


1 comment:

  1. Nice report, Derek. Pleased to say I got to the cafe in time for tea and eggs on toast. Need to re-think my flappy rainwear!
    I have reported the big hole down New Bridge Road (should be a Lane)



    Lets hope they pump the water out and fix it, or at least maybe shove some cones in the hole so it doesn't catch cyclists out. Will do my best to avoid puddles in future, but I was back down there today in my car and the water was all the way across in places - not so easy to know where to go.
