Thursday 20 October 2011

Through and off, Chaingang 19th Oct

Great to see another big turnout of 27 riders, on the coldest night of the season so far, tho' hardy Joe Jenner still wore shorts. Experienced 1st Cat road racer Shaun Reed coached us in some through and off riding, also known as a chaingang, two lines, or in USA , a paceline s'il vous plait. It's standard on chaingang training rides like ours, a great way to ride fast in a group sharing the work and saving energy, teams in Tour De France do it to catch breakaways and so on.

Man on front rides smoothly for 20 seconds, then moves steadily over and eases up by 1 mph to allow next man through, like a big chain. Line coming forward rides 1mph quicker than the line going back so you get a rest after your 20 second spell. Line going back can be on the left or right depending on wind direction, but for us on narrow roads at night I think its safer and makes sense for us to have slower lane on the right (outside) of bunch. It was working well along Bexhill until someone sprinted off the front instead of doing their spell and broke it up, tho' we got it back together later.

here's some more info on the subject:

Averages - out 21.5 mph, back 22.5mph. From a front group of about 8 riders, Shaun reached roundabout first and also Bexhill lights, the rest of us hanging onto his wheel. Stuart had the chequered board outside his house for an intermediate prime after Cooden which I sneaked off to get, Shaun said Malcolm boxed him in and praised his skilful team tactics , ta Malc!

Quick reminder that we meet 9.00am sharp in the public car park near Fairlight church to sign on for the climb of Battery Hill, Rye Wheelers and Pete Tadros will be competing.
We usually have a good crowd of people come along to chat at the sign on, watch in the lay bay half way up the hill, then come back to the car park for another chat then some of us will go for a short club run looping back to Hastings no doubt.

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