Saturday 20 September 2014

219/9 HSLCC Fri Night Ride- Foggy Friday

Steve B In Great Shape After Sardinia!
Ex Runners Reunited!
As well as newbie Peter Baker out on his first ever Friday night ride, there were nine others making a total of ten riders. We haven't had that many for some time, just a few weeks ago in the height of summer we were struggling to get one or two out. Steve B was there again looking really fit after winning the club's strava ranking table with over 36,000 feet of climbing in Sardinia, significantly more even than Jason on his round the world trip. By 7:35 it is now almost completely dark, so descending Battery Hill was back to being very hairy, with drain covers and road imperfections difficult to make out in the shadows. feeling anxious ,myself and Peter B were happy to fall back well behind the others. My relief at finally reaching flat ground was short lived as were now entombed in thickening mist and my spectacles were fogging up. Before long my visibility was about 20% of what it should have been and I had to call out to Peter to go in front of me so that I could follow his light. After just a couple of minutes we had slowed right down, Peter was also wearing glasses and so it was a case of the blind leading the blind. The others had slowed right down part way through the nature reserve and we 'groped' our way through the mist towards the red glow of their LEDs. At last the mist began to thin a little as we finally caught up with them. As we slowly rode along some riders kept looking to the side. At first I thought they were checking that we were able to keep up with them but when I followed their glances  I could see the incredible sight of a large solitary anvil  cloud out at sea which was giving out spectacular flashes of internal lightening at regular intervals of every five seconds or so. I had never seen anything like it before. It was only by the time we reached the right angled turn for the harbour that the flashes began to fade.I had warned Peter about how long the drag was up to Broad Oak. Now the mist had cleared I was finally able to get into a proper rhythm and tried to follow Steve D, leaving Peter with Paul and Derek for company. For the last few months I have done almost all my road riding on my Cannondale CAAD 8 but tonight I had taken out the Giant Defy. The difference was very striking. Whereas the CAAD was stable, stiff but still comfortable, the Defy felt like it was flexing underneath me requiring constant input to keep it going where I wanted. I could feel the flex wasting some of the energy I was putting onto the pedals.Originally I had decided that once the total strava mileage for both bikes was about the same I would take them out alternative times but now I will always use the CAAD and only occasionally take the Defy out just to stop it seizing up . The CAAD is a far better bike, I think the problem is that at 14 stone plus there is just too much leverage on the long seat post that you get with a compact frame. Having regrouped at Broad Oak there was the very enjoyable descent through Brede Valley before the turn off towards Doleham lane, followed by the Stonestile approach . I was looking forward to taking the traditional first ascent picture of Peter B by the Stonestile sign but unexpectedly peter turned off at Westfield for a route back home via three oaks, so this will just have to remain on hold until another time.

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