Thursday 4 September 2014

3/9 Bad case of wind

Welcome Back To The Chaingang!

What keeps you going through the middle of a working week? Watching England play football on the telly? A chicken madras with pilau rice and a keema naan? A few pints of Guinness? Or the prospect of a hard 20 kilometre ride with a group of friendly but committed cyclists? I guess if you're reading this, it's the latter. Welcome to the Hastings and St Leonard's Cycle Club Wednesday evening chain gang, back from its summer break and raring to go.

Lights charged - check; tyres pumped - check; water bottle - check. Legs ready - sort of... Three weeks off the bike with a virus has left me feeling feeble. But I set out in a hopeful mood, excited to be back on the bike and enjoying the warm and breezy easterly air. A half moon was in the southern sky as I rode to the start point below Galley Hill, feeling rather flash in my RideLondon100 cycling kit (or 'RideLondon86' as someone pointed out).

Welcome To Newbies; Alex, Andy And Dan
A good size group of 23 or so riders assembled and set off briskly, with a helpful shove in the back from the east wind. The group was keen to make progress, with many riders clearly feeling strong after plenty of summer miles and time trial efforts. Chief amongst these was the marvellous Stuart Hodd, looking very sleek and chipper on his birthday. I was not one of the quicker riders but I was happy enough with my pace along Cooden Drive and Herbrand Walk, even if the group was gradually pulling away.

And then providence dealt me an ace. The level crossing barrier came down, catching eight or so riders. I had time to slow down and time an overtake that took me past them. Having made sure the barriers were going up, I pedalled hard to pull away and managed a small gap, before the stronger riders overtook and blazed away up Spooky Hill. I fell into a threesome (oo-er missus) with Peter Buss and a chap on a green Cannondale, managing to slip past and make the layby ahead of them, landing a Strava PR in the process. Maybe I was in better form than I thought?

No. The return leg, into the wind now, was a different story. I'm not sure what the others had in their legs but I'd like some! I was riding 'clean' - no pre-ride coffee or sweets - but my lack of zip was mostly from illness and time off the bike. Getting my fitness back is my aim but last night the tank was empty when the going got tough.

And the level crossing took it's revenge. Having waved goodbye to Peter at Normans Bay, I was riding alone anyway, with the glow of Chris's rear lamp pulling further away. The crossing lights at Cooden came on and I stopped, swearing an oath. Once on Herbrand Walk, it was clear there was no chance of reaching the group. No-one in sight and no-one seen until I reached the lights at Sackville Road. Oh well, I'd loved the ride - feeling that kick of excitement in the hours beforehand, riding with a group, experiencing the sights and smells of the marsh fields and just that great feeling you get riding a bike, whether fast or slow, alone or in a group. It was good to be back.

I had planned to write an account of the RideLondon100, but frankly it was horrendous. I have never seen sustained heavy rain like it. The roads were awash and I saw nothing of Surrey other than spray, flooded roads and fat raindrops. Not surprisingly, I got completely soaked and that's presumably what led to the virus, losing 3 kilos in weight and taking days off work. At least it was in a good cause - Samaritans. If you fancy sponsoring me a fiver, you'll take the total I raised over £500...

Neil Smith

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