Saturday 12 September 2015

9/9 The Chain-gang Season Begins

Welcome To The 2015/6 Chain-gang!
Our first  HSLCC chain-gang got off to an enjoyable safe start on Wednesday

Some of the regulars were missing (eg Neil, Dan S ,Tom, Ivan) and there were only a  few of this years crop of new members ,but even so we mustered just over twenty riders.

With fresh legs and quite a strong tail wind on the way out , the  riders in different groups would end up working together  to produce a good number of Strava PBs

Hopefully everyone had read Chris Parker's guidelines for a safe chain-gang ?

As usual the 'ultras' group had to assemble first. With  Barny, Stu H and Sean all in attendance they would have more than enough ride captains to maintain good order. On this first night a good two thirds of the riders put themselves forward into the ultras group.

The remaining third would form the 'supers' and 'stragglers', JV would be the ride captain for the 'supers'. We waited patiently for  just over a minute before  I called time and initially led the pursuit along bexhill road. By the time we approached Cooden Drive, myself  and Derek couldn't hang on any longer and so we formed a very small 'Straggler' group although we had Duncan for company as he didn't have a front light and so would have to remain sandwiched behind us for most of the ride.

At one point the familiar black clad figure of Nigel T shot past us. Nigel had arrived late and so was putting the hammer down to catch up with the front group and would go on to claim the KOM for Filsham to Cooden

I hope the 'ultras' didn't get too cold waiting for us to arrive at Pevensey ? Once we arrived and double checked no-one was behind us we set off immediately for the return leg. For a brief moment I was in front of the whole chain-gang but would repeatedly hear the clatter of fast spinning chains as rider after rider came past me and the groups reformed.

Myself and Derek always feel better on the way back and so for most of the return trip we managed to keep up with Pete Buss (trying out potential Tenn kit for the club)  and Iain to form a somewhat larger straggler group.

Regrouping at bexhill , many of the 'ultra's' had already departed but most of the 'supers' were there and judging by the amount of sweat that was pouring down Nick S's face, they had had a great workout!

lets all make sure that we  have an enjoyable and safe 2015/6 chain-gang season!

Steve C

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